Life can seem challenging at times for everyone. Those with ADHD may experience symptoms that make them even more complex than the average person. ADHD can impact your home, work, and personal environment. ADHD starts in childhood but can continue to affect you as an adult. If you are experiencing hyperactivity, impulse control, or trouble focusing, please discuss your symptoms with our qualified clinicians.
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect a person’s attention, impulsivity, memory, and other cognitive functions. While it is often diagnosed in childhood, ADHD can affect people well into adulthood. It is estimated that 11 percent of children have ADHD in the United States. In adults, it is estimated at 4.4 percent. Less than 20% of adults with ADHD are not aware they have it and will remain undiagnosed and untreated. ADHD affects a range of cognitive functions, including one’s ability to concentrate and one’s memory.
Diagnosing ADHD in adolescence can be more complex, and this is because teens are very different in terms of development from adults and may not share similar symptoms. Parents and teachers should look for the following if they suspect ADHD. Their home and school environment should be observed.
ADHD is diagnosed in adults because symptoms were not identified in childhood. Diagnosis of ADHD in adults can be complex because other conditions, such as anxiety or mood disorders, cause specific symptoms of ADHD.
The exact cause is unknown. Genetics plays the most significant role in determining if a child will develop ADHD.
Other risk factors include:
There is no cure for ADHD however, medications, therapy, and life changes can reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life.
Studies have shown that over 80 % of individuals have reduced symptoms with medications.
Medication options Include:
Stimulant and non-stimulant therapy are effective treatments for ADHD. These drugs help improve the availability of certain chemicals in the brain by increasing dopamine levels. Dopamine allows us to regulate emotional responses and take action to receive specific rewards. As a result, this improves activity and communication in your brain and signals for specific tasks. It is vital to discuss with your mental health provider to determine the right treatment plan.
Behavioral therapy is effective in children to improve destructive behaviors and replace them with positive behaviors. Adults can benefit from improving coping strategies, organization skills, and impulsiveness.
We offer comprehensive treatment plans for people with ADHD. Depending on the client’s needs, this may include medication management and supportive therapy.
Ada also offers telepsychiatry as an option for patients who opt for the convenience of their homes. Being unable to come into the office should not prohibit anyone from receiving ADHD management services. Ada Psychiatry will tailor a treatment plan to fit your specific needs.
Contact a mental health provider or your primary care provider to discuss your symptoms. ADHD can mimic other psychiatric conditions.
Due to the DEA guidelines, we cannot prescribe controlled substances in Washington and Oregon due to telehealth policies. Other option includes non-stimulant medications which can be as equally effective.
Diagnosis should be made by a professional with training in ADHD or mental disorders. Physical examinations are given to exclude other medical conditions that can affect focus and concentration. Psychological tests can rule out conditions such as specific learning disabilities, anxiety, or affective disorders. Prior to your appointment, you will complete a questionnaire to review your symptoms.
Our experts can help discuss medication options and tools to help organize your day so that you can stay on top of your tasks.
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