Our Services

Ada psychiatry provides exceptional care. Our experts will customize your treatment plan to fit your specific needs. Through shared decision-making, you will be one step closer to a better you.

Psychiatric Evaluation

A psychiatric evaluation is a clinical interview. We will review your medical history, psychiatric history, social history, allergies, family history, current concerns, and more in detail. A psychiatric evaluation is essential to help identify the disorder and help you get the best treatment for your condition. The consultation will take approximately 60 minutes.

Medication management

Psychotropic drugs are prescribed to treat various mental health issues when those issues cause significant impairment to healthy functioning. They work by changing or balancing the amount of essential chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Taking medication can help improve your overall mental well-being. We understand that not everyone will want medicines as a first option. However, Ada experts will discuss your symptoms and help you decide the best treatment approach.

Supportive Therapy

At Ada Psychiatry, we combine supportive therapy with medication management. Talk therapy is beneficial in relieving symptoms, improving self-esteem, regulating impulses, improving negative thinking, and helping reinforce the ability to cope with life stressors and challenges.

MAT treatment
MAT treatment

We specialize in outpatient treatment. This option is for those who want to continue their goals to take the first step to recovery. We will work closely with your counselor and provide you with resources for long-term support. We understand that addiction is not easy, and relapse can occur a few times before sobriety. Ada experts take pride in providing a confidential, no-judgment-zone approach.

Gene Sight Testing
Gene Sight Testing

GeneSight psychotropic testing is a diagnostic DNA test that helps your clinician better understand drug interactions for mental health conditions. The test analyzes how genetic variation may affect your body’s reactions to medications for depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It also gives your clinician an overview of dosing recommendations and the drug that may be the most effective with minor side effects.


Telepsychiatry provides mental health care from a distance through technology. This includes two-way communication via text- messaging and videoconferencing through HIPPA-compliant software. You can schedule your online consultation and follow appointments from the convenience of your home. You can decide if an in-person or online appointment fits your schedule.

Bariatric psychiatric screening
Bariatric psychiatric screening

Most bariatric surgery programs require psychiatric evaluation as part of the pre-operative screening process. At Ada psychiatry we are here to help streamline your surgical requirements.

Change Can Be Hard. Ada psychiatry Can Help.

Schedule an Consulation with an Ada Psychiatry  Clinician Today

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